They've take taken the course, practiced driving, passed the test. So they are ready to drive, but there is more to being behind the wheel than just driving.
Tires-how to check the pressure (& what it should be at). Also how to change a flat.
Fluid levels-they know if they need gas, but what about where to check/add oil? Windshield washer fluid? Brake fluid level?
Insurance-do they know where to find the insurance card? Who to call if something happens? Do you have roadside assistance? Also, remind them of the importance of keeping a good driving record (& good grades-most companies give a good student discount!)
Maintenance-do they know how to keep track of when an oil change is needed? What about other preventative care? It is way cheaper to prevent problems than fix them.
Do they know how to use the jumper cables?
Have your car battery tested (& replaced if needed)
Winter is hard on your vehicles batteries.
Make sure your coolant system us working & well maintained
Not just good for you but good for your car as well
Make sure your engine belts are in good condition
The heat can make those small cracks in your belts become big problems
Make sure your wipers are ready for the weather
Good wipers are key when those summer thunderstorms hit!
Make sure your oil is fresh and your filter is clean
And make sure all your fluids are topped off.
Check your tire pressure & tread
Make sure that air pressure is where it needs to be
Diagnostic codes-got lights on? Find out why before you hit the highway.
Tires-make sure your tires are road ready, and check the tire tread and pressure.
Oil change-it is good to start a long trip with fresh oil and filter.
Check the fluids-this includes oil, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, antifreeze, windshield washer fluid and brake fluid.
Light bulbs-make sure all the lights are working.
Battery inspection-get it tested to make sure there will be no surprises while you’re gone.
Brake pads-make sure you’ve got enough life left in them/
Belts-check to make sure they don't need to be replaced. You don’t want to lose A/C (or any other functions!) while out and about.
Tune up-if your vehicle is close to needing scheduled maintenance, do it before you go.
Loading up-pack as much in your car as you can, remember anything on the roof will reduce MPG, performance and possibly create wind noise and garage clearance issues. Try to avoid blocking your view, and remember to secure things in case you end up having a hard breaking situation.
Also, depending on where you are going, look into their laws regarding use of a radar detector (if you plan on using one), toll policies/fees, and other potential localized rules that might be handy to know.
There are also lots of great apps you might find come in handy...gas price apps, rest stop finders, hotel and restaurant locator's/recommendations, etc.
Be safe, have fun and take lots of pictures!